Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Tuesday, January 15th, 2008

my amazon wish list (in bold)

Monday, January 14th, 2008

  • a device that cleans gutters
  • a plastic product that holds a book while you eat
  • a rain poncho designed for use when riding a bicycle
  • a lunch-box alarm that goes off when an unauthorized person opens the box
  • a bird feeder that protects feed from wind and rain
  • a new board game
  • a newly designed bottle opener
  • a toothpaste cap that minimizes waste and mess
  • a device that prevents blisters from forming on hands when raking, shoveling, or sweeping
  • a billfold that organizes money by denomination for blind people
  • a new candy bar
  • a new type of swing set
  • clothing tags to help match and coordinate clothes
  • a dog collar that lights up at night
  • a bedspread that zips down the middle
  • safety suspenders that light up at night for joggers or bikers
  • a lock for a folding door
  • a new type of ice cream container that minimizes mess
  • a new type of rake that allows you to pick up leaves without bending over
  • an infant support that prevents a very young baby from falling over
  • a robot that distributes and collects student papers
  • a glove with a light for signaling turns when riding a bike at night
  • a better, more comfortable swing set
  • a device to hold objects for disabled people who use a walker
  • a computer program that includes graphics and music for entertaining children aged 3 months to 4 years
  • a child’s seat that fits a shopping cart
  • a hearing-aid guard
  • a mailbox alert device that signals when mail has been delivered to a roadside mailbox (ed. note: my dad has this, in the form of an ethernet cable that runs from the house to the mailbox)
  • a leg cast sock to keep toes warm
  • tapeless wrapping paper
  • a comforter for cats
  • an outside house light that flashes to signal police, firemen, or other helpers as to which house made a call for assistance
  • a computer program that catalogs videotapes
  • an eyeglass defogging device
  • a device that makes it easier to swallow pills
  • a drying rack for gloves
  • a liquid that covers fade marks on bluejeans
  • a light switch for young children
  • a chocolate-candy device that prevents ice cream cones from dripping
  • a bus-stop night light

They are all quite good though. link: Examples of Student Inventions. (this page has the unfortunate/accidental title “Intervention Convention”)


Sunday, January 13th, 2008


Just Some Heat 4 Yo Azz

Friday, January 11th, 2008


whale image

≈ 1978

Friday, January 11th, 2008

related: c-town theory. are you familiar with echolocation? the multiple “towns” in each C-Town sign represent the distance to the nearest C-Town. in other words, when you are at the Graham Ave. C-Town, you are approximately two and a half Town’s away from the Havermeyer St. C-Town.

deluxe upcharge

Wednesday, January 9th, 2008

see also: this

out of the bunker into the gulch

Monday, January 7th, 2008

Sunday, January 6th, 2008


double happiness outposts: detroit metro airport

Friday, January 4th, 2008

click clack

Friday, January 4th, 2008