
Tacoma, Washington hardcore band covered by the state of Wyoming.

closer look:

5 Responses to “Wyomimg”

  1. borna says:

    shit is distinctly and undeniably the same image.
    wyoming is to botch as vanilla ice is to queen.

  2. marisa says:

    you mean bowie? ๐Ÿ™‚ nice gif, dude. sweet random find! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. borna says:

    queen & bowie, that’s right.

    I wanna find the original photograph..

  4. jeff says:

    “The State of Wyoming’s first use of the BH&R mark dates back to 1918, perhaps earlier. The BH&R was used as an insignia worn by members of the Wyoming National Guard in France and Germany during World War I. The insignia for the uniforms was originally designed by First Sergeant George N. Ostrom of E Battery, 3rd Battalion, 148th Field Artillery Regiment, AEF. The insignia was officially adopted by the United States Army and used as a means of identification on gun trails, trucks, helmets and other equipment.”

    (http://soswy.state.wy.us/bucking/history.htm and http://tuesdayshorse.wordpress.com/2007/09/11/whos-the-horse-whose-the-rider/)

  5. borna says:


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