new dub hap logo 2

11 Responses to “new dub hap logo 2”

  1. gridworks1 says:

    i luv the computarnet!!!1!

  2. borna says:

    so do we, dawg. so do we.

    btw, nice site.

  3. jamie dubs says:

    ninja surfing is go

  4. jamie dubs says:

    p.s. excessive autoload on the frontpage has made me afraid of your website and unable to visit directly ๐Ÿ™

  5. jeff says:

    I was called out by borna for visiting “/wp-admin/” more than “/”.
    maybe the solution is to build a mega computer that can handle doublehappiness autoplay

  6. borna says:

    maybe the solution is to shut up and deal with it.

  7. bennett says:

    evan: “dude way to ruin DoubleHappiness with 4 autoplay youtube videos! It doesn’t just crash Firefox, it crashes my whole computer.”
    bennett: “who else’s web art project crashes your whole computer? NOBODY!!!!! nobody.”

  8. borna says:

    no such thing as ruining double happiness.

  9. ricky says:

    we need more stuff

  10. marisa says:’s old motto was “we crash your browser with content” and they really did! now they are doing this:

  11. borna says:

    that’s pretty badass.

BY borna. Leave a Reply