Left Friday morning. Gracie didn’t go this time. Big traffic delay en rout. Debuted Warrior Horse Costume. It went over great. Head confining. Vision impaired. Got lost and briefly became a Jedi. Phone died. Lost Larry. Slept on stairs in front of Marriot. Spent rest of night in car. Shared area with thousands of perplexed football fans. Unexpectedly marched in parade with “Fans For Christ”. Missed rendezvous with other friend. Costume accrued minor damage. Some women and their daughters ran nearly 2 blocks to catch up with me when the picture they took didn’t save. Went home a day early. Had a good time, as always. More photos in Dragoncon 2009 Gallery
panther mode
Hey Kathy. May life give as much to you as you give to life. You are amazing! Love, Peace and Power to you.
Phil x
Nu-Jazz / Pop / Funk
United Kingdom this guy is just the setup for this next guy:
As all veteran grubfesters know that the night before Grubfest is probably our most frantic & sleepless nights!
whoa dude
I missed this year’s grubfest โ did someone videotape it?
source of mirth