Sugar can suppress the immune
Sugar can upset the body’s mineral balance.
Sugar can contribute to hyperactivity, anxiety, depression,
concentration difficulties, and crankiness in children.
Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides.
- Sugar
can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children.
- Sugar
can reduce helpful high density cholesterol (HDLs).
- Sugar
can promote an elevation of harmful cholesterol (LDLs).
- Sugar
can cause hypoglycemia.
Sugar contributes to a weakened defense against bacterial infection.
- Sugar
can cause kidney damage.
- Sugar
can increase the risk of coronary
heart disease.
- Sugar
may lead to chromium deficiency.
- Sugar
can cause copper deficiency.
Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.
Sugar can increase fasting
levels of blood glucose.
- Sugar
can promote tooth decay.
Sugar can produce an acidic stomach.
Sugar can raise adrenaline levels in children.
- Sugar
can lead to periodontal
Sugar can speed the aging process, causing wrinkles and grey hair.
- Sugar
can increase total cholesterol.
- Sugar
can contribute to weight
gain and obesity.
High intake of sugar increases the risk of Crohn’s disease and
ulcerative colitis.
- Sugar
can contribute to diabetes.
Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis.
- Sugar
can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity.
- Sugar
leads to decreased glucose tolerance.
- Sugar
can cause cardiovascular
Sugar can increase systolic blood pressure.
Sugar causes food allergies.
- Sugar
can cause free radical
formation in the bloodstream.
Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy.
Sugar can contribute to eczema in children.
- Sugar
can overstress the pancreas, causing damage.
- Sugar
can cause atherosclerosis.
- Sugar
can compromise the lining of the capillaries.
- Sugar
can cause liver cells to divide, increasing the size of the liver.
- Sugar
can increase the amount of fat
in the liver.
Sugar can increase kidney size and produce pathological changes
in the kidney.
- Sugar
can cause depression.
Sugar can increase the body’s fluid retention.
- Sugar
can cause hormonal imbalance.
Sugar can cause hypertension.
Sugar can cause headaches, including migraines.
Sugar can cause an increase in delta, alpha and theta brain waves,
which can alter the mind’s ability to think clearly.
- Sugar
can increase blood platelet adhesiveness which increases risk
of blood clots and strokes.
Sugar can increase insulin responses
in those consuming high-sugar diets compared to low sugar diets.
Sugar increases bacterial fermentation
in the colon.
jeff, I would say that most of these snacks fall under the more-specific category of “sweets,” possibly even “treats” depending on whether you’ve eaten dinner or not.
this is only SNACK WAR I

eli rats niche
dude these gifs are so gnarly, I really applaud the dude who made them