at first, I had hoped the curation would somehow be automatic (hotlinking or something) but I think I like that there is no real connection, in the end
thats what you think jeff
Your street cred is impeccable. This might be too monumental, though…
How do you call urine that hardened to a rock in english? That’s how your grill looks like
There’s no word for it in English because that’s not something that happens.
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at first, I had hoped the curation would somehow be automatic (hotlinking or something)
but I think I like that there is no real connection, in the end
thats what you think jeff
Your street cred is impeccable. This might be too monumental, though…
How do you call urine that hardened to a rock in english? That’s how your grill looks like
There’s no word for it in English because that’s not something that happens.