the in jokes make it better, if anything. and the personal home page vs myspace thing has something to do with it. and i’ll admit there’s some really good stuff on there too, but overall the signal to noise ratio on that website is way too low. the looping image + audio form isn’t strong enough to save 99.9% of the stuff on that website from boring the crap out of me.
you could re-do this a little bit and have a slammin YTMND
honestly, fuck ytmnd.
dude why? I mean, I guess it has a similar hate-ability to 4chan, but its not as bad. Do you just hate all the in jokes? nah you just hate
maybe it stinks from a Personal Home Page vs. MySpace perspective?
the in jokes make it better, if anything. and the personal home page vs myspace thing has something to do with it. and i’ll admit there’s some really good stuff on there too, but overall the signal to noise ratio on that website is way too low. the looping image + audio form isn’t strong enough to save 99.9% of the stuff on that website from boring the crap out of me.
so basically you don’t like it therefore its bad
thats not really keeping it positive man.