
via travis stewart on the BLING list. thanks d00d

6 Responses to “supreme”

  1. borna says:

    old by now, but a classic in its own right.

  2. bennett says:

    granted it got added 9 mos ago, but with less than 2k views, can it really be “old” in the sense that its “played out?”

  3. borna says:

    true, depends on who you ask i suppose.
    which means i can only speak for myself in having already traversed the full arc from “huh?” to “funny” to “not funny” with this one.

  4. borna says:

    the 3D gundam robots in the back still get me though.

  5. jamie dubs says:

    the question of OLDRLY is a complex and nuanced one

  6. jeff says:

    forgive me, what is OLDRLY?

BY bennett. Leave a Reply